Today’s Reading Act 27
So many images flash into my mind when I think of a shipwreck: broken crates, pieces of wood, survivors, and destruction. As I have read this passage these past couple of weeks, so many things in my life have been toss and thrown around. My wife, Jillian, and I have been a rollercoaster these past couple of weeks with our children’s health. This biblejournal community of believers has been there with us since last year and I am thankful to be a part of this family. That you for the continual prayers and words of encouragement.
As I look over this past year, my wife and children and I have been on a ship of life called the SS McGriff, captained by Christ. This ship has been through many passes where the tide and turbulence was rough. It has been a dock for “winters” and then released to sail. And sometimes we feel that we are almost shipwrecked, but God has gently placed us on still waters. I take hope and courage that we have a God who is commander of the wind and water and has the authority to change the tide at any time. The story of Paul reminds me of another lesser-known shipwreck scenario earlier in the bible, the storm with Jonah.
In Jonah 1:4-16, Jonah attempts to run in the opposite direction of his appointed journey. While on the ship, Jonah goes to sleep and the ship is placed in a terrible storm that almost destroys the ship. Jonah understands the situation and has the crew throw him overboard. The result of this is the conversion of the crew to worship God. Jonah had intentions to runaway and God uses it for his glory.
In Act 27, there was a prison ship to take Paul to Caesar in Rome to be arraigned. The crewmembers and Paul were in the midst of an unfathomable storm. During the first three days, the crew did the protocol of lighting the load trying to stay afloat. Then it is recorded that after day fourteen they prepared for the shipwreck that was foretold to Paul by an angel of God. Paul and all 276 passengers were saved after the shipwreck.
From these two ship journeys I can take way a couple of points:
- God is always in the midst of any situation
- What may have been the usual time (3 days) to get through a storm, it may take a little longer (14 days)
- If we train our spiritual ears, we can receive guidance and counsel from God in the midst of these storms
- Stick to God’s plan and you will arrive safely