Today’s Reading: Matthew 15
“He took the seven loaves and the fish, and having given thanks he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. 37 And they all ate and were satisfied.” Matthew 15:36-37
I know what you’re thinking! Jesus fed five thousand yesterday! You’re right, in Matthew 14 our chapter for Sunday we revel in the many miracles performed by Jesus and witnessed by Matthew and the disciples. So today, we have a second loaves and fishes story. It’ slipped in just at the end of chapter 15 and is sort of “under reported” in my opinion. It’s as if all the news outlets heard about the 5,000 people fed the week before and decided that Jesus’ meal multiplication was old news. For me though, this repeat miracle is speaking truth and hope into my life right now. I like to study a few different bible commentaries on the weeks that I write. My NIV study bible said this today: “Jesus had already fed more than 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. Here, in a similar situation, the disciples were again perplexed. How easily we throw up our hands in despair when faced with difficult situations. Like the disciples, we often forget that if God has cared for us in the past, he will do the same now. When facing a difficult situation, remember how God cared for you and trust Him to work faithfully again.
Isn’t that just life changing? Do you ever feel like God has already graced you in one area of your life and so surely he can’t bless you in another? Do you ever feel that you may have reached the limit of his grace and mercy? Instead, we are given the hope that we can trust in His faithfulness and count on Him to care for us again and again. Over the last year, I’ve learned that the most powerful words I can write to you are those of my own testimony. On Tuesday of this week, I was laid off. I’ve worked in the same place for nearly nine years serving children with disabilities. Due to significant financial losses, the company simply cannot continue to pay all of us. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and fear for my young patients, my own children and our family. So many people depend upon me to care for their children and be with them in times of uncertainty. But, as always, God cared for me and every single one of His children. I have been blessed with a new job that affords me the opportunity to continue to serve the children and families I love. I have been rocked out of my comfort zone and am facing some of the challenges of starting an independent business. I know I would not have had the courage to do this without being laid off. There are lots of unanswered questions about how I will bridge some gaps but I know that He will feed me and my family. Today, Matthew shows us that Jesus is not only miraculous but that he is also consistent. God wants what is good for us, he is ever generous, ever sacrificing for us. Today, I’m doing my best to praise him in this dark time. I’m looking forward to a post in the not too distant future when this testimony continues with evidence of His love for me. Until then, I thank you for your prayer and your faithfulness that He will bring miracles to all of our lives!
The photo above is me 38 weeks pregnant doing what I do with little people!