Bad Day

Today’s readings are Psalms 5 and 6.

For whatever reason our 12-year-old has been listening to and likes the popular 2005 song by Daniel Powter, Bad Day. As I read today’s Psalms, it made me reflect on what we do when we have a bad day. Sometimes we may say “I need a drink..” and take refuge in that or mindless social media scrolling or binging on a Netflix series.  While drinking alcohol can be a polarizing topic among some Christians, one could argue that Jesus drank wine and unless you have an addiction problem, having a drink isn’t necessarily inherently bad. I’m not trying to make any readers feel guilty in that. But even without an addiction problem, just like social media or binging on a series, it’s not good for us if that’s where we consistently take “refuge” when things don’t go well. They are not the solution. Those things sometimes may make us feel worse or even if it makes us feel better and forget our problems temporarily, they will not solve them or give us the greater and long-term peace and comfort we are looking for.

Psalm 5:17 reads, “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice.” If we read on Psalm 6:8-9 says,”….for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping. The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer.”

Isn’t it amazing? The Lord of the entire Universe hears us. The Lord of the entire Universe accepts our prayer. And we are told it’s in Him that we will then be able to rejoice.

It is common to hear the verse Jeremiah 29:11 referenced…

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

This is a great verse and though I think the verses around it give us more context and tie closely with our Psalms reading today.

Let’s check out Jeremiah 29:12..

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.”

Then in the following verse Jeremiah 29:13…

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

We will find Him and He will hear us; we will be able to have comfort in Him and rejoice in His saving and loving grace when we seek Him with all our heart.

So, the next time we have a bad day (or a series of them), let us remember this and turn to Him in prayer and through reading His Word, rather than other vices.  Those other vices are temporary. Only in Him will we truly be able to rejoice and find a peace that passes understanding.


Psalms 3-4

When you look back on the stories of King David you can see how he was known for his courage, military strategy and leadership.  I mean, he did take down a giant in Goliath.  He was a shepherd who became the King of Israel and led them through “The Golden Age” of prosperity.  Like any man, though, he had his flaws, but was one of the best at asking God for forgiveness and seeking His guidance throughout all of his life.

I personally could read Psalm 3 over and over again.  In Psalm 3:2 he says, ‘Men are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.”’  This makes me think of when people say, “Stop worrying about what other people think about you.”  It is something I say way to often to my immediate family and friends.  And so often I catch myself ‘worrying about what someone else says about me’ when I should be asking God to bestow glory on me and simply lift up my head like David did.

Then in Psalm 4, David references how those against him see the glory in his life and shame him for it.  They all seek false gods and ask who will show them any good.  But instead of David shaming them, he prays for them.  He prays to the Lord that they will all seek out righteousness in Him and make the right sacrifices to Him.   If only I could be as conscious of this as much as David was.

The two Psalms are reminders to us.  When we get caught up in the day to day and we hear others comment about personal, professional, and spiritual lives in a negative way for no good reason……our first reaction is not reciprocating in the same manner back.  It gives us a reason right then and there to give thanks to God.  It is a reminder that ALL of our good comes from Him, and we reciprocate by asking God to love and watch over our neighbors so that one day they start doing the same.

Walking In Righteousness

2/18/24 – Psalms 1-2


Many times, the Bible calls us to walk in righteousness. After hearing our call, it is only natural for us as Christians to fall into a frantic search. What is righteousness? What must we do to achieve it? Can we truly achieve it? The synchronization of these two chapters happens to point us to the answer. Psalms 1 points us to the law, and Psalms 2 eludes to the perfect fulfillment of that law that came to save us from our inability to execute it. 


Psalms 1 starts by defining what a blessed man is, he “walks not in the counsel of the wicked” and “his delight is in the law of the Lord”. The author says the blessed man “is like a tree planted by streams of water”. The law nurtures him, replenishes him, and gives him all that he needs to grow and prosper. The wicked however don’t adhere to these ways, and the author declares they are instead like “chaff in the wind.” The Psalm concludes, “for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.”


It is clear that the law is good. We are to delight in the law. In the case of the Israelites, the law was given to them to set them apart as God’s chosen people and guide them toward the Lord. It is sacred to them, when they follow it the Kingdom prospers and it falters when they stray away. We must follow it to be righteous before the Lord.


But the problem since the beginning of time has been that people don’t fulfill the law. We have all failed to practice the law perfectly, we are all wicked in the eyes of the Lord. This is partly what Psalm 2 highlights. “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed.” The world is full of wickedness, the rulers do not delight in the law, and they plot against those who do. But something (or someone) is coming. “As for me, I have set my king on Zion, my holy hill.” The Lord has a plan. 


In summary, Psalms 1 recognizes a beloved standard to keep, while Chapter 2 acknowledges how the world has fallen desperately short. However, that is not the end, the Lord has prepared a king. We are lucky to know this king. He shall enter into a broken world to live a perfect life. He shall commit the ultimate act of love, dying on a tree on our behalf. The author says of him, “Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” 


The psalmists unknowingly speak of the antidote to our unrighteousness. Though we cannot fulfill the law spoken of in chapter 1, Jesus can and did. If we wish to walk in righteousness, we should plant ourselves close to him like a tree by a stream of water. Only while being in him and accepting his gift of grace can we be in righteousness, in no other way could we come before the Father than through him. He is the law fulfilled, we must look to him and his example in everything we do. Only by doing this may we walk in righteousness!

Fishers of Men: Answering Jesus’ Call

When Jesus first called His disciples, He found them as fishermen, casting their nets into the sea. Yet, He saw something greater in them. “Follow Me,” He said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19). With this simple yet profound invitation, He transformed their purpose from gathering fish to gathering souls for the kingdom of God.

In John 21, after His resurrection, Jesus once again meets His disciples by the sea. They had returned to their old ways, fishing through the night but catching nothing. At dawn, Jesus appears and tells them to cast their net on the right side. In obedience, they pull in a miraculous catch of 153 fish, more than they could handle. This was no coincidence. Jesus was reminding them of their true mission: to trust in Him and bring people into His kingdom.

Just as fishing requires patience, skill, and perseverance, so does sharing the gospel. Sometimes we cast our nets and see no immediate results. At times, we may feel like failures. But Jesus shows us that success in His work comes not from our own efforts but from obedience to His voice. When we follow His guidance, He provides the increase.

Jesus’ final words to Peter were, “Follow Me” (John 21:19). This command echoes through time to all who believe. To be a fisher of men is not just a call for the disciples, it is a call for us. We are to go where He leads, casting the net of His love, truth, and salvation into the world.

If we trust Him, if we obey, He will fill the net. The harvest is ready. The call remains. Will you follow?

The right questions.

Who is the wisest person you know? What attributes stand out that bring you to this conclusion?

One commonly used phrase within the company where I work is, “Don’t try to be the smartest person in the room.” This is meant to temper our pride. Just because someone is smart and has the answers, it doesn’t make them a good team member. It is meant to focus less on “being right” and focus more on listening to others before coming to a conclusion. This leads to better teamwork which increases innovation and job satisfaction.

Back to the questions about the wisest person: The wisest people I know are not those with the best answers, they are the people with the best questions. Albert Einstein once said:

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask… for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.”

Note the cover image quoting Luke 2:52 doesn’t say “Jesus became so smart…”, it says he grew in wisdom. This is the same chapter where Jesus was found in the Temple listening to the teachers and asking questions (ref Luke 2:46).

Transformed through prayer.

My prayer life recently has included the following questions and sentiment regarding a job transfer that will involve a move that my wife and I are struggling with:

  1. God, why are you allowing this to happen? “You know what I want.”
  2. God, what should we do? Where should we go?

Over time God has revealed that while these questions are fair to ask (as we can ask him anything), my questions were somewhat selfish. He is leading me toward better questions and statements that focus on Him and His will such as:

  • God, where do you want me to go?
  • God, how can I serve you where you are leading me?
  • God, your will, not mine.
  • God, thank you for this day, for all you have done, are doing, and will do in my life.

The change in questions and prayers has brought me from a posture of worry to a place of peace and hope. The right questions can lead us closer to understanding our purpose and God’s purpose, and the most important question is related to where we will spend eternity:

What do you believe to be true about Jesus?

But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name. (John 20:31)

Wisdom isn’t just about having the right answers—it’s about asking the right questions. When we shift our focus from seeking control to seeking God’s will, we open ourselves to His guidance, peace, and purpose.

What questions are you asking? Are they leading you closer to trust, surrender, and your purpose?

What is Truth?

John 18

This chapter of John’s gospel follows Jesus’ prayer for both you and I as believers in Him. Following this prayer in chapter 17, Jesus and His disciples got up and crossed over the Brook Kidron where there was a garden called Gethsemane. This garden was at the foot of the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended to heaven and where He will return someday. This scene is where Judas’ betrayal of Jesus started to materialize.

Judas, along with a detachment of troops from the pharisees and high priests came to seize Jesus and to take him to be judged before Annas, Caiaphas (the high priest), and then Pilate (Roman governor). The religious leaders found Jesus as an “evildoer” (v. 30 NKJV), but they could not put Jesus to death according to their law (v. 31). Then they took Jesus before the roman governor Pontius Pilate, persistently seeking for Jesus to be killed. The first thing Pilate asks is, “Are you the king of the Jews?” (v. 33). Jesus answers Pilate’s question in verse 37 boldly claiming His kingship and His purpose for coming to the world: to “bear witness to the truth”.

Quite possibly one of the sadder quotations found in the Bible comes after this. Pilate asks, “What is truth?” and then left before he got the answer from the Messiah himself.

God has preserved His scriptures for thousands of years so that you and I may know the truth and this is it:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” (John 3: 16-21)

God took on flesh to dwell among us, to live a perfect life, to die on a cross, and to rise again conquering both sin and death. You are not too far gone. Read Paul’s words to Timothy,

“… Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. ‘However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.” (1 Timothy 1: 15-16)

God is patient, He does not condemn. He does not throw shame and guilt. You haven’t strayed too far for God to forgive you. You don’t earn your salvation; you receive it as a gift. Don’t move on with your day before understanding and knowing the truth. Don’t leave without understanding it. Don’t be Pilate.

Jesus prayed for all believers

I must say the last few weeks have been a lot.  A variety of circumstances caused this feeling.  Various illnesses, deadlines, schedules, emotions, and lack of sleep all felt like a storm.  I let these circumstances take control.  I forgot, based on the demands, that I allowed the world to take over His peace in my unrest.

Jesus prayed for us that we would be one with HIm.  That we would be reminded of His glory and His glory present each day.  God’s love is present every day and in all circumstances.

Today’s scripture and my scripture from last time is John 7 & John 17.  Take time to read these today.  It helped put my mind and heart on His solid foundation.

Jesus Prays for All Believers
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[e] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

Leave it better than you found it.

Today’s Reading : John 16

Over the last couple of weeks we have had some great experiences. The seventh and eighth grader basketball ball teams have advanced to the next level of competition from conference to regional to sectionals.  For the seventh grade sectionals, the parents rented a bus for the students to attend the competition. The student section was amazing. They gave a beat to the whole arena. The atmosphere was exciting. Everybody was in it for the team. We had such a great time. The seventh graders won that game and the crowd just erupted.  There were so much joy and excitement. 

As we were preparing to leave, a grandmother looked up at the stands and saw that there was a lot of rubbish from our section. She made a comment “this is kind of embarrassing because we are visiting another person‘s house and we are leaving a mess“. At that point, I rallied the students and we were able to clean up the student section in two minutes. We actually made it look better than it had before we came.

One of the great lessons that I received as a child was : Leave it better than you found it. This can be used at any point in your life and in any situation. The mark that you make on anything needs to be better than you left it. If you’ve been invited somewhere, clean up before you leave. If you are in a position or employment attempt to leave the organization better than you found it.  In your life when you meet people try to give them a little extra from your interaction.

In John 16, Jesus is giving us a picture of when he will leave. He is spelling it out to the disciples how he will leave them. The experience that Christ gave to the twelve, and the disciples, and the world is … leaving it better than before he came.  Before Christ came, we did not understand how Heaven and Earth could be combined. We did not understand how the pieces of love and hope brings heaven to earth. 

Christ also gave us the reconnection with God the spirit,  otherwise known as the Holy Spirit. Because Christ enters the world in a sacrifice this creates a new opening for the Holy Spirit to be with us. Before Christ’s sacrifice, the Holy Spirit was not available to everyone. So by Christ coming and being with us, he made us better than we were before. Because Christ has come with us and the Holy Spirit is able to abide with us, we are able to be better than we were before. 

How can we share God‘s love and the experience of the Holy Spirit with others? How can we make an impact on others to be better than they were before? How can we be better from experiencing others as well? Allow God to use you and open your mind of how others make you better this week. 

Be blessed 

Juicy Fruit

In John 15, Jesus tells us to go and produce fruit.  I can do that.  In fact, I’ve been preparing my whole life.

  • I will work harder
  • I will sell more
  • I will get more followers
  • I will grow bigger and be known

Then, I can be as Jesus described and “produce much,” and will make him proud.  Not really.  Those goals produce American fruit.  Jesus defines fruit differently.  Galatians 5 tells us that his fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

  • I will serve more
  • I will give generously
  • I will mind my own affairs
  • I will forgive fully – myself and others

Now, there is only one way to maintain a life with those priorities.  “Remain in me,” Jesus says.  “Seek me, come to me “Apart from me, you can do nothing.  But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” John 15:7.

You Have What It Takes

Today’s reading is John 14.

Chapter 14 in the book of John is probably most well known for verse 6 which is one of the most important verses in the Bible because it tells us there is only one way for forgiveness of our sins and salvation in Heaven which is through Jesus. It is foundational to our belief as a Christian.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

We are going to focus though on another part of chapter 14. In verse 8 Philip asks Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus’ response includes the following in John 14:9…

“Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”

Here is a question for those reading this who have children. Would your children be able to say they’ve seen their Father in Heaven based on the love they see you show and model as a father or mother?

In April I will head to Africa with 9 other dads in partnership with an organization called DadCamp ( DadCamp is passionate about helping fathers become the dads the Bible teaches us we’re called to be because everything changes when a strong, loving father is involved in their child’s life. While there are no perfect dads and myself and the others going will admit we all have a lot of work to do, we are trying to do our best to be the dad God wants us to be and in this trip we will host a few camps in Malawi to hopefully allow God to work through us to inspire other dads to do the same.

One of my favorite books is The Resolution for Men by Stephen and Alex Kendrick with Randy Alcorn. I’ve said before it’s like an instruction manual for fathers and joked that it should be required reading for all dads. There is also a version for women. The book is filled with statements or resolutions to live in certain ways and hold ourselves to the standards God calls us to.
Jesus’ statement of, “Whoever has seen me has seen me has seen the Father,” is so profound because it’s true and our children should also be able to know God and see His love through our actions. We are called to be the best window our kids have into their Heavenly Father’s love. So many people who struggle to believe in God or believe that God loves them unconditionally and wants the best for them is because they have not experienced a loving earthly father (or mother).

The Resolution for Men talks about a few ways we can model our Heavenly Father and give our kids a window into His love and who He is.

One way is through attention. This is so hard nowadays with a workday that doesn’t seem to stop due to calls and texts and the distractions they bring with the constant buzzing of our phones or even the non-work related algorithms of social media which suck us into Facebook, Instagram, and X instead of focusing on our kids and being interested in them. I’ve said before some of my greatest memories were going to every high school basketball game of my hometown with my Dad (especially the day after Christmas spending all day at the holiday tournament which I may have looked forward to more than Christmas), as well as University of Illinois football and basketball games. I try to do my best to do the same with our kids, but know I have a lot of work to do…especially when it comes to putting my phone down!

Another the book mentions is through affection. This is not easy for many of us and especially men. But we need to hug and love on our kids and tell directly them we love them. Yes, kids need discipline but also our love. I know I can do better at showing that through playing and horsing around/wrestling with them. Unfortunately it’s go, go, go….or let’s just chill on the couch and watch a movie (which usually results in me falling asleep!).

The book also discusses affirmation. God the Father modeled this explicitly with Jesus after His baptism in Mark 1:11, “You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased.”  Regardless of if our child is young or an adult, have we told them we are proud of them lately? I would like to think I do a decent job on this…especially when they have a good game or do well on a test. I can improve on just telling them I’m proud of them randomly just because of who they are and that they are my son or daughter which helps them know my love and adoration for them is not conditional on their accomplishments. They need to know this because they are going to fail and mess up a lot (like me), and I want them to know that doesn’t change how I feel about them just like it doesn’t change how their Heavenly Father feels about and loves them.

Lastly, The Resolution for Men asks if we are known for loving others? Do our kids see us loving and showing compassion to everyone regardless of their age, race, sex, or social class? Do our kids see us loving our neighbor as ourselves? Jesus modeled the Father’s love by showing mercy and loving the unlovable like the Samaritan women at the well, the adulterous women, touching and healing lepers, and even washing Judas’ feet, just to name a few.

In the end, He showed his unconditional love, mercy, and grace by suffering and dying on the cross for each and every one of us.

As we wrap up today, let us reflect on if we are a shadow of our Heavenly Father the way Jesus modeled.

Ask yourself like I am, what are the one or two things I can work to improve on starting today?

We can do this regardless of our kids’ age(s).

As we say at DadCamp, “You have what it takes!”